Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Playstation Vita with excuses..

Ugh! I have been on a long hiatus lately. A lot happening in personal life and at work also, so I haven't had a lot of time for miniatures.

Also a bit of freetime has also sunk into the PS Vita that I got at launch..

Great machine, it truly feels like a ps3 in your pocket. I have a few small games, but the only boxed game that I got is Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. Man I suck at these kind of games, but right now Im partially hooked on it. After a while it's pretty accessible for a newbie. (although I have yet to win any online-games in it).
Anyway, I really recommend picking this up if you have the Vita.

Other games that I have right now and some small opinions on them:

Super Stardust Delta - Really great small/cheap game which suits the console perfectly.

Motorstom RC - Again great game,  and even better suited for the Vita. You can also race against friends times/ghost cars. Game also includes the PS3 version and vice versa.

Escape Plan - I had high hopes for this one, but I feel it fell a little flat. It's still ok.

Rayman Origins - Superb platformer if you are into these sort of games.

Anyway, I have done some painting lately, and I plan on getting something finished also fairly soon.

ps: I haven't given up on the video about the impaler yet, I just haven't had the time to edit it.

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