I'm a sucker for quality components on boardgames, and games that have nice miniatures or other cool components often catch my eye.
I also have a habit of pimping up my boardgames. I usually try to spend fairly little time in painting boardgame-components, and just give them a basic tabletop quality. Still often due to the sheer amount of pieces I always fail miserably in getting everything done.
Anyway, here is a few examples of my tuned components:
Ghost Stories:
Just a quick paintjob on the monks made them come alive nicely. Just used basic basecolors and then dipped them. (Even though I'm not a fan of dipping, I find that it works pretty well on boardgames as you can get a lot done fairly fast, and dipping gives a very hard and durable coating on the figures).
Just a quick paintjob on the Kraken. As usual I have yet to paint rest of the miniatures. :)
Battlestar Galactica:
Ok, this was more like a prototype so to speak. I ended up not doing this to every ship in the game mostly just because the cost of the bases was pretty high. Eventually I just primed the ships in black and drybrushed some metal on them.
World of Warcraft - the boardgame:
Wow - the boardgame holds a special place in my heart. My girlfriend bought it for me as a present when she saw me eyeing it in a store. It was one of the first boardgames in my collection.
The box is huge and full of stuff. So huge infact that it doesn't fit on my shelf where I hold rest of my boardgames. As a game it's pretty fun also if you have the right group. Just make sure you have a lot of time when you brake this bad boy open. :p
Last Night on Earth:
All the zombies are painted!
Painted heroes, although I have two more heroes two finish. After that I have the whole basegame painted up. :)
btw: Very nice and fast/light game if you like the zombie-theme. I have played this with gamers and non-gamers and it has been a hit with both!
Mansions of Madness:
of my newest boardgame-projects. Finished all the heroes pretty fast.
Again, basecoated and dipped but this time took a bit more time with
Hope you enjoyed!
Same here, if a board game has paintable miniatures, probability for me buying it will rise exponentially :P