Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Phewh.. finally some progress on the Dreadfleet.

Got this game at launch. I have yet to play a single game, but I just had to have it because of the miniatures. I'm not going to play this with unpainted miniatures, so might take a while to eventually get that first game up. :)

Anyway first ship ready, the Heldenhammer:

I also allready started painting the Bloody Reaver. My objective is to paint the ships in the same order they appear in the campaign.
I try not to get too carried away with the details but still get some nice results.

What do you think of the game/miniatures in general? From what I've read it's a fun game if you don't take it too seriously. And the miniatures are awesome. :)



  1. Woah great work, mate!

    Makes me wanna take my Heldenhammer alot further

    1. Thx a lot, glad you like it. :)

      Now if only I could get the bloody reaver finished and the terrain started I could get a game going. :p
