Thursday, April 5, 2012


I was playing with my camera so I took a quick picture of my boardgame-collection so far.

A bit messy I know. I am actually planning on getting a door for atleast the other cabinet.

I have been into boardgames for a few years now. After I got into Warmachine/Hordes my focus has shifted more and more on those, so lately we have been playing less boardgames. :/
Hopefully though me and my friends have more time for boardgames as summer comes along. Nothing beats boardgames and beer with a good group of friends! (Except the obvious..)

You play boardgames? Or just want to taunt/trashtalk on my collection, feel free to. :)



  1. But where is tha Carcassone?
    Nevertheless, impressive pile of boardgames. I can see that you have Arkham Horror as well, best boardgame I've played so far.

    It's a nice blog you have here, keep on the good work. Painted minis look great.

    1. Heheh you noticed! I am actually missing a few "cornerstones of boardgaming", like Carcassonne, Settlers of Catan etc. To be honest I have never even played Catan yet, allthough I have played Carcassonne.
      I tend to like games with good components, so I find myself getting more and more of "ameritrash" games rather than eurogames.

      Arkham Horror is one of those games that gets played very rarely nowdays, just because of the setup and the time it takes to play the game. I enjoy the game, but infact I feel the Mansions of Madness scratches the same itch better, even though the setup in that game is ridiculously long. :)

      Thank you for the compliment, I plan on posting something about boardgames also in the future. I'm just starting this so it takes a while to get everything going. :)

  2. Nice! ...oh you wanted trashtalk I'm sorry. ;)

    1. Well fine, I'l let this one slip, just watch out it doesn't happen again! :P
