Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Some bases from Sciborminiatures

I ordered a few bases from Sciborminiatures, I thought I'd post some quick pics. The bases look great, they have very small and crisp detail on them. The ring of the base also matches identically to Warmachine and Hordes -bases. For now I only got a few of these but I'm sure I'l get some more at some point.

Anyway, here are the 40mm bases, the box included both of these:

And here is the 50mm base. Sculpt is great, but in all fairness it is a bit impractical since the top of the base is not in the center, and it is fairly high. But I'm sure I'l find some use for it at some point when I stumble on to appropriate mini for it.

Anyway just a quick update. Check out their stuff at if these got your attention.
Im surely going to be using these on some upcoming projects.

Im out,


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